A dark wooden desk with a notebook, pen, phone, and laptop.

Ben Liu's Portfolio

Full-stack developer with a strong foundation in C#, SQL, HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript.

Concert API

A RESTful API that retrieves data from a SQL server hosted on Azure. The API includes health check, rate limiting, caching, and uses JWT bearer tokens for authorization. A Blazor SSR web app calls into the API and displays the data retrieved. The database publishing scripts are also in the project.

The Blazor app uses pagination for larger data loads such as the call to get every single performances. Please note that the authorization call is for demonstration only. For those who want to use the API themselves, the instructions can be found in the API GitHub repo.

Social Work Internal Tool

A Winforms app that manages data in a local SQL server. This demo project includes both custom data and input validations, and search functions that allow users to construct complex SQL queries without expert knowledge. The SQL database uses stored procedures to ensure data integrity and resolve any errors such as duplicate or incomplete data.

The CsvDataForm demonstrates importing dummy data acquired from Kaggle and populates the database with around 700 entries. User friendly implementations include auto-refresh of data-grids to ensure most up to date information, instant visual feedback when user input is not valid, and remembering filter checks for the current session.

Blogging Website

This is a demo website. It demonstrates proper meta and accessibility tags, adhering to and improving SEO. Layout is auto-adjusted based on screen width, and the content of the blog_essay page is modular and loaded from JSON and txt files. There is also a print version.

Product Website

This is a demo website. The website is built with modular components in JavaScript. It loads data from JSON files, or any database, and able to construct page content accordingly, making it easier for the page to display most up-to-date information.

The page also demonstrates common infographics for marketing, such as testimonials, ratings, plan comparisons, product listing, etc, and how each could load data and display the correct information. The page also uses toastr to simulate capturing user input.